Now that the ponding area is done, we can start prepping our pad areas for our foundations. The grading drawings required us to build up quite a bit, as you can see below.
Corner of our house, with Beth and North Mountain in the background. |
That stake with the neon green string used to stick out of the ground about 12". It's now buried, and the lower blue flag on the rebar is 4447', the upper blue flag is 4448'. We need to raise it up to 4448' total elevation.
Another corner of our house, with Beth and North Mountain in the background. |
We're hauling in dirt to do most of this part, because of how bad our existing dirt is. You can see how low this side of the house is too. It will need to be filled in a bunch, some with existing dirt, but mostly with the better dirt.
Now we wait for dirt to get delivered.