Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pouring the Garage Foundation

Today we placed the anchor bolt templates and then poured the concrete.

Anchor bolts in their template, affixed to the concrete form.

We had a bit of trouble though; the forms were about 1/2" too long on the long side of the foundation, which would put the anchor bolts in the wrong place. If you look closely at the form below, you can see the shims we had to add.

More anchor bolt templates
 Once we finally had all of the anchor bolt templates in place, Felipe called the concrete company for delivery. The first truck brought 10 (cubic) yards.

Felipe pouring the concrete, with North Mountain, Huceo Tanks, in the background.

The concrete has been spread but not screeded yet.

We had a much later start than planned, with the truck not arriving until nearly 2:00 instead of 11:00 because of the form error. Luckily though, the clouds moved in which made it a lot cooler, helping to slow down the drying of the concrete.
After screeding and smoothing out the concrete.

Some more smoothing needs to be done
 This was definitely not something I could have done alone. I would be comfortable with MAYBE a 10' x 10' pad if I had help, since I could screed from outside the forms. I know I couldn't get the concrete as smooth as they did though!
Almost completely done!

They completed finishing the concrete tonight, and tomorrow they're coming back to remove the forms and start assembling the forms for the house!

Here's a time lapse of today's events!